Relo Japan

Contact Us

Please fill out the form below, and we will reply within 24 hours. The below services are intended for corporate individuals. For individuals desiring our leasing services or our real estate services, please use the links to go to the appropriate contact form.

Our Offices

Tokyo Office

1F EXOS Ebisu

1-24-14 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku

Tokyo 150-0013 Japan

Nagoya Office

4F Nakato Marunouchi Bldg.
3-17-6 Marunouchi, Naka-ku
Nagoya 460-0002Japan

Kobe (Osaka) Office

8F Shinkobe Bldg.
1-1-1, Sannomiya-cho, Chuo-ku
Kobe 650-0021 Japan